300 YouTube views the first week. 96 page likes. Positive comments from musicians and folks who enjoy music but aren't musicians themselves. I didn't know what to expect from our first show, but this feels like a good start. We've gotten a lot of input from folks that really want to help us make the show even better. We'll be incorporating some of those ideas in future episodes. Thanks to everyone for the help! Pieter and I would like to thank Davis Media Access for providing the facilities, the production crew, sage advice, and the belief, that turned this idea into a reality. We couldn't have done this without their help. And now, on to Episode 2--Songwriting!
The YouTube link is live for a sneak preview! The television show airs tomorrow, Feb. 3, at 9 p.m. on Davis Community Television. This episode's topic is "Forming a Band" and features interviews with Roger Trott of The Hey-Nows!, Kari King of Bonanza King and Richie Lawrence of Richie Lawrence and the Yolos. The post-production edits of episode one were finished right AFTER the Super Bowl!! The program debuts Tuesday, Feb. 3, at 9 p.m. on Davis Community Television. This episode's topic is "Forming a Band" and features interviews with Roger Trott of The Hey-Nows!, Kari King of Bonanza King and Richie Lawrence of Richie Lawrence and the Yolos.